Share a link, retweet a tweet, like a post.

Digital Activism, what is digital activism? Well, based on this link it is defined as using digital media collectively to promote political and social change that is outside of routine decision making. But, to put it out there in a way we can all understand and relate to, Digital activism is taking a stand, making a statement, supporting a cause or making you voice heard using digital media. You may think you are not participating in digital activism but really the truth is, most of us participate in it an a regular bases, we just never put a name to it.

Think about the times you have found a cause moving and shared it with your friends on Facebook.

cc: Gabi Schull Truth 365

For instance, in Grand Junction, Co this week a beautiful girl Delaney Clements lost her 5 battle with cancer. This girl was a young teen girl who reached not just the town of  Grand Junction, or even the state of Colorado. She touched the world. Why? The answer is easy, digital activism! People like you and me heard her story and wanted to fight alongside of her. We wanted to bring awareness to childhood cancer and we silently hoped that by sharing her story we could save someone’s life, maybe even Delaney’s .

cc: wedoitfortheloveof

Unfortunately time ran out for her but, not before she brought millions to a movement she was involved in The Truth 365 and not before her friends were able to get the world involved in a campaign to get Taylor Swift to Grand Junction to meet her this past Christmas. Did Delaney make me a digital activist? Although I was involved in her plight and I took a stand with her, the answer is no because I was a digital activist long before I was introduced to Delaney’s story.


To me personally, anytime you share a post, a video or a tweet that is supporting a cause, creating a call to action, demanding change, igniting controversy or taking a stand on an issue, you are involving yourself in digital activism.  It is easy to be involved and not know that you are. I found it interesting when reading blogs from fellow classmates on the issue that many felt they were not involved in digital activism but, I think if they you realize that they have been involved.

There are key components to what Digital Activism can do as stated HERE. 1.shaping public opinion, which is what truth 365 is doing by bringing childhood cancer into the spotlight. 2. plan an action, once the spark is lit, you need to do something to keep it burning. A walk to cure cancer, share a photo to support the victims of 911, where red to support women’s heart health. These are all plans of action. 3. protect activists, the internet is good for anonymity. 4 share a call to action, once the plan has been made, it needs shared. tell the world what they need to do, wear, or share and when they need to do it. 5.Take action digitally, sign an online petition, change your status or picture, donate online(go fund me).  6. Transfer resource, sharing information in this manner is big right now especially with the presidential candidates and their supporters. Now, that some of these have been laid out and explained a little more with examples I ask are you a digital activist?

In honor of Delaney who was very much a digital activist I am sharing one last thing from her group Truth 365. Kylie Myers on Broadway


4 thoughts on “Share a link, retweet a tweet, like a post.

  1. Great post! I really like the definition you have at the beginning of your post, it really helps put into perspective digital activism. Out of the sites that I choose to look at I did not get as clear of a definition as you did. I really like the point that you brought up about it is easy to be involved and not know it. I don’t think that I am being a digital activist in any way, but now I don’t know for sure. Great post!!!


    1. Thank you for your comments. I would venture to guess that you at some point have participated in some form of digital activism, most likely by sharing a post of facebook or twitter.


  2. Again, what a great post you have made this week!! I loved the story you have shared about Delaney. What a great way to contribute to her memory and the fight on cancer. You just participated in digital activism by sharing this story!!!


    1. Thank you again. I shared that specific story because I think people do not realize that even something like that is digital activism. Also that digital activism can be such a powerful thing and make such a huge difference.


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